Image: Visit to Walden Ponds, Massachusetts in Autumn 2014. It was a long walk but I got Thoreau it.
Below is a list of publications and writings. They will be updated (semi)regularly. You can also find them via Researchgate and Scholar.
Balzer, M.J., Hitchcock, J.N., Kobayashi, T., Westhorpe, D. P., Boys, C., and Mitrovic, S.M. 2024. Flow event size influences carbon, nutrient and zooplankton dynamics in a highly regulated lowland river. Hydrobiologia. Download Download
Blazer, M.J, Hitchcock, J.N., Kobayashi, Y, Boys, C., Hadwen, W.L., Delmas, R. and Mitrovic, S.M. 2023. Experimental additions of allochthonous dissolved organic matter reveal multiple trophic pathways to stimulate planktonic food webs. Freshwater Biology 68 (5) 821-836. Download
Johnson, E.B., Boys, C., Hitchcock, J.N, Hadwen, W.L., Fielder, S., Facey, J.A., and Mitrovic, S.M. 2023. Terrestrial carbon additions to zooplankton prey influence juvenile estuarine fish growth. Environments 10, 50. Download
Thurgate N, Cuddy SM, King AJ, Flett D, Thompson R, Pollino C, Bennett JM, Brooks S, Campbell C, Doody TM, Dyer F, Hitchcock JN, Holt G, Lester R, Lloyd-Jones L, Lowes A, Lovett S, McInerney P, Macqueen A, McGinness H, Moggridge B, Nolan M, Rees G, Stratford D, Thiem J, Todd C, Tonkin Z, Wassens S and Zampatti Z (2023) Flow-MER Basin-scale research: Summary 2023. Report prepared for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH), Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Australia.
Hitchcock, J.N. 2022. Microplastics can alter phytoplankton community composition. Science of The Total Environment, 153074. Download
Ruprecht, J.E., King, I.P., Mitrovic, S.M., Dafforn, K.A., Miller, B.M., Deiber, M., Westhorpe, D.P, Hitchcock, J.N., Harrison, A.J. and Glamore, W.C., 2022. Assessing the validity and sensitivity of microbial processes within a hydrodynamic model. Water Research, 218, p.118445. Download
Facey, J.A., Michie, L.E., King, J.J., Hitchcock, J.N., Apte, S.C. and Mitrovic, S.M., 2022. Severe cyanobacterial blooms in an Australian lake; causes and factors controlling succession patterns. Harmful Algae, 117, p.102284. Download
Hitchcock, J.N, Brooks, A.E, Thompson, R.M., Bennett, J.M., McInerney, P.J., Gilling, D.P, Bennett, A., and Macdonald, G. 2022. Linking flow and food web productivity in Northern Murray-Darling Basin– the importance of variable flows in wetting in-channel banks and benches. Technical report for NSW Department of Planning and Environment. University of Canberra.
McInerney, P.J., Linke, S., Rees, G., Giling, D.P., Hitchcock, J.N., Ryder, D., and Thompson, R.M. 2022. Basin-scale Evaluation of Commonwealth Environmental Water 2020-2021: Water Quality and Foodwebs. Flow-MER Program. Commonwealth Environmental Water Office (CEWO): Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Australia.
Blazer, M.J., Facey, J.A., Hitchcock, J.N., Brooks, A.J., Westhorpe, D.P., and Mitrovic, S.M. 2021. Tributary flows to the Barwon-Darling River: productivity boosts from flow rules. Technical report for NSW Department Planning, Industry and Environment.
Ryder, D., McInerney, P. J., Giling, D.P., and Hitchcock, J.N. 2021. Basin-scale Evaluation of Commonwealth Environmental Water 2019-2020: Water Quality and Foodwebs. Flow-MER Program. Commonwealth Environmental Water Office (CEWO): Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Australia. Download
Hitchcock, J.N., Westhorpe, D.P., Glamore, W.C., & Mitrovic, S.M. 2021. Estuarine zooplankton responses to flood pulses and a hypoxic blackwater event. EcoEvoRxiv. doi: 10.32942/ Download
Hitchcock, J.N, Facey, J.A, Westhorpe, D.P, & Mitrovic, S.M. 2021. Nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics of the Hunter River estuary. EcoEvoRxivdoi: 10.32942/ Download
Barbour E., Thompson R., Pollino C., Flett D., Bennett, J., Brooks, S., Campbell, C., Doody, T., Dyer, F., Guarino, F., Hladyz, S. Hitchcock, J., Lester, R., Lovett, S., McInerney, P., McGinness, H., Moggridge, B., Nolan, M., Sengupta, A., Stratford, D., Stuart, I., and Wassens, S. (2021) Flow-MER Basin-scale Evaluation and Research Plan. Flow-MER Program. Commonwealth Environmental Water Office (CEWO): Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Australia.
Hitchcock, J.N. 2020. Storm events are key moments of microplastic contamination in waterways. Science of the Total Environment. 734, 139436. Download
Michie, L.E., Hitchcock, J.N., Thiem, J. D., Boys, C. A., and Mitrovic, S.M. 2020. The effect of varied dam release mechanisms and storage volume on downstream river thermal regimes. Limnologica. 81, 125760. Download
Hitchcock, J.N. and Mitrovic, S.M. 2019. Microplastic pollution in estuaries across a gradient of human impact. Environmental Pollution. 247 (1): 475-466. Download
Gray, R., Jones, H.A., Hitchcock, J.N., Hardwick, L., Pepper, D., Lugg, A., Seymour, J.R., and Mitrovic, S.M. 2019. Mitigation of cold-water thermal pollution downstream of a large reservoir with the use of a novel thermal curtain. River Research and Applications. 35 (5) 1-13 Download
Mitrovic, S.M., Hitchcock, J.N., Johnston, E.B., and O'Brien, L. 2019. Carbon and nutrient transport, food webs and the effectiveness of high flow protection and end of system rules. Technical report for NSW Department of Industry Water. University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo.
Pearse, R. and Hitchcock, J.N. 2019. Inequality measures for a just city: The Sydney Equality Indicators Framework. Sydney Policy Lab research report for the City of Sydney Council. University of Sydney, Camperdown. Download
Westhorpe, D.P, Sayers, J., Mitrovic, S.M., Balzer, M.J, Hitchcock, J.N, Boys, C., and Raine, A. 2018. Synthesis of the science for the supplementary flow sharing trial on the regulated Namoi River. NSW Department of Industry Water, Newcastle.
Pearse, R., Hitchcock, J.N, and Keane, H. 2018. Gender, inter/disciplinarily and marginality in the social sciences and humanities: A comparison of six disciplines. Womens Studies International Forum. 72, 109-126. Download
Mitrovic, S. M., Hitchcock, J.N, and Facey, J.A. 2018. Mannus Lake – Investigation into the contributing factors for the 2018 blue-green algal bloom and management recommendations. University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo.
Kemp, J., Brooks, A., Yu, B, Pietsch, T., Mitrovic, S., Hitchcock, J., Reinfelds, I., Hancock, F., Raine, A., Fryirs, K., Cohen, T., Marshall, F., and Thompson, J. 2017. Investigation of links between in-stream vegetation, channel condition, flood flows, and river recovery. Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University.
Glamore, W., Rayner, D., Tucker, T., Ruprecht, J., Deilber, M., Howe, D., Birrer, S., Daffron, K., Mitrovic, S.M., Hitchcock, J.,N., and Facey, J.A. 2017. Hunter River Estuary Water Quality Model. WRL Technical Report 2017/03. Water Research Laboratory, University of New South Wales, Manly Vale.
Hitchcock, J.N., Mitrovic, S.M., Hadwen, W., Roelke, D.L., Growns, I.O. and Rohlfs, A.M. 2016. Terrestrial dissolved organic carbon subsidises estuarine zooplankton: an in-situ mesocosm study. Limnology and Oceanography, 61 (1L.): 254-267. Download
Hitchcock, J.N, Mitrovic, S.M, Hadwen, W.L, Growns, I.O. and Rohlfs, A.M. 2016. Zooplankton responses to freshwater inflows and organic matter pulses in a wave-dominated estuary. Marine and Freshwater Research. 67 (9): 1374-1386. Download
Rohlfs, A.M, Mitrovic, S.M, Williams, S., Hitchcock, J.N., and Rees, G.N. 2016. Dissolved organic carbon delivery from managed flow releases in a montane snowmelt river. Aquatic Sciences. 78: 793 – 806. Download
Hitchcock, J.N. and Mitrovic, S.M. 2015. After the flood: Changing organic carbon bioavailability following storm flows. Biogeochemistry, 124 (1): 219-233. Download
Hitchcock, J.N. and Mitrovic, S.M. 2015. Highs and lows: the effect of differently sized freshwater inflows on estuarine carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, bacteria and chlorophyll a dynamics. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 156: 71-82. Download
Mitrovic, S.M., Westhorpe, D.P, Kobayashi, T., Baldwin, D.S., Ryan, D.A., and Hitchcock, J.N. 2014. Changes in zooplankton density and community structure in response to different sources of dissolved organic carbon: Evidence for food web support in unconstrained lowland rivers', Journal of Plankton Research, 35 (6): 1488-1500. Download
Hitchcock, J.N. and Mitrovic, S.M. 2013. Different resource limitation by carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus between base flow and high flow conditions for estuarine bacteria and phytoplankton. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 135: 106-115. Download
Pearse, R. and Hitchcock, J.N. 2011. Pricing carbon in rural Australia. Chain Reaction, 112, 20-21. Download
Hitchcock, J.N., Mitrovic, S.M., Kobayashi, T., & Westhorpe, D.P. 2010, 'Responses of estuarine bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and zooplankton to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and inorganic nutrient additions', Estuaries and Coasts, 33 (1): 78-91. Download
Hitchcock, J. 2010. Greenwashing Desalination. Chain Reaction, 108, 24-25. Download
Mitrovic, S.M., Hitchcock, J.N., Davie, A.W., & Ryan, D.A. 2010. 'Growth responses of Cyclotella Meneghiniana (Bacillariophyceae) to various temperatures'. Journal of Plankton Research, 32(8):1217-1221. Download